Act on specified commercial transactions

Company NameTEIEI Co. Ltd.
ContactPlease contact us via the reservation site.
PriceThe displayed price on the reservation site
Payment methodPlease pay the accommodation fee at the time of booking via the reservation site.
Key Delivery timeYou can enter the room any time after 3pm on the day of your stay. The key will be given to you when you enter.
Cancellation and refundSet the reservation site’s cancellation policy to “strict”.
・If you cancel within 48 hours of booking and up to 14 days before check-in: Full refund
・If you cancel between 7 and 14 days before your stay: 50% of the accommodation fee will be charged
・If you cancel within 6 days before your stay: No refund
Privacy policyPlease review our privacy policy.
If requested by a consumer, we will provide a document or email containing the advertising information without delay.